The September 2024 edition of our newsletter has been issued. This includes information on our fundraising events and dates for your diary.
Line Dancing continues at the Clarence Hall on Wednesday, 29 January from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Join Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau to have fun and learn basic line dancing steps and routines!
Join Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau’s Read & Remember Group at the Clarence Hall on Monday, 30 September from 2.30pm-3.30pm.
We’re excited to announce that plans are now in place for next year’s Crickhowell Pantomime which is… Rapunzel! If you’re interested in getting involved, on or off the stage, please come along to our first meeting on Monday, 9 September at 7.30pm.
Join Llangattock Green Valleys at the Clarence Hall between between 1.30pm and 4.00pm on Saturday, 14 September for an update on the Community Energy Project.
The Clarence Hall is not only a lovely old building, but it is also a classic example of Victorian architecture and decor. In this feature, we look at the “gem” that can be found on the floor of our new bar area.
The Clarence Hall is home to a wide range of organisations who utilise its facilities on a regular basis. In this feature, we look at community choir, Cantorion Phoenix.
Line Dancing continues at the Clarence Hall on Wednesday, 12 February from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. Join Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau to have fun and learn basic line dancing steps and routines!
Black Mountains Festivals presents Tanya Walker in concert at 7pm on Saturday, 9 November at the Clarence Hall.
On Sunday, 8 September from 10.30am, Crickhowell Clean & Green is holding a Town Tidy. Please join local groups, business owners and residents to tidy up our lovely town!