Here comes Summer!
Posted: 30th May 2023Always at the heart of the community, the Clarence Hall is set for a busy Summer! We’re delighted to be hosting events that will showcase talent, both local and national.
These include: Limehouse Lizzy in Concert; a lunch-time recital with Crickhowell Community Band; Theatre Workshop Monmouthshire’s production of Annie Jr; Crickhowell High School’s Sports Awards; Living with Dementia’s Elvis Comeback Special fundraiser; Dance Beats Summer Show; and Crickhowell Garden Show!
All this, alongside our regular Bingo evenings, Persian rug sales, ESOL classes, U3A meetings, Dance Beats classes and Cantorion Phoenix rehearsals.
Work is also continuing on the Hall’s redevelopment, with the focus on our new extension and accessible entrance now that the refurbishment of the kitchen and main toilet facilities is largely complete.
Keep an eye out for posters, social media updates and the What’s On page of our website to find out more!