A busy June!

Posted: 31st May 2024

Always at the heart of the community, the Clarence Hall is set for a busy month ahead!

June’s highlights include a fundraising Ceilidh at the Clarence with the Skirrid Ceilidh Band; events to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day; a series of Watercolour Art Classes with Helen Absalom; a performance of The Darling Buds of May by the talented Theatre Adhoc; a Money MOT course run by Age Cymru Powys; and an Opera Gala Night with Crickhowell Choral Society.  Tickets have also gone on sale for a Musical Extravaganza, a fundraising evening in July organised by Crickhowell Cancer Research featuring Cantorion Phoenix, Abergavenny Borough Band Ensemble and Guest Soloists.

Crickhowell Volunteer Bureau are introducing a Coffee & Cake event on the first and third Thursdays of each month, to run in conjunction with the weekly Neck & Shoulder Massage group.  This is in addition to their regular groups for Knit & Natter, Read & Remember, Mozart and More…, Walk & Talk, Computer Tech & Repair, as well as Line Dancing classes on a Monday and Wednesday!  Games Club is not running for the month of June.

All this, alongside our regular Bingo evenings, Persian rug sales, ESOL/English for Speakers of other Languages classes, U3A meetings, Dance Beats classes and Cantorion Phoenix rehearsals.

Keep an eye out for posters, social media updates and the What’s On page of our website to find out more.