‘Granny’s Attic Sale’ returns

Posted: 16th January 2019

Those with long memories may remember that Clarence Hall used to host a Granny’s Attic Sale several times a year. This was an opportunity to have a good clear out and offer your ‘pre-loved’ items to others – a bit like a car-boot sale but indoors, with a chair to sit on and a coffee and a cake only a few yards away! Sometimes neighbours or groups of friends shared a table or a charity group came together to raise funds. Now that Christmas is over you may feel that this is the time to re-cycle books, clothes, toys, DVDs, household items – or in fact anything. Join us for the sale on 9th Feb from 10.00 to 2.30pm (kick off in the Italy v Wales match is not until 4.45pm); you can rent a table for just £10. Call 810024 or email cricevents@btinternet.com to book.