Piano Orchestra South Wales – preparing for Paris
Posted: 22nd October 2024Piano Orchestra South Wales is gearing up for an exciting tour to Paris from 28-31 October, which promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the young musicians. The trip will include visits to iconic sights such as Disneyland Paris and a cruise along the River Seine, but the pinnacle of the tour will be their performance at the renowned La Madeleine. Here, the orchestra will have the incredible opportunity to perform specially arranged piano scores for an hour-long concert, delighting Parisians with their talent.
Over the past year, the orchestra has been hard at work fundraising for this memorable tour. One of the key fundraising concerts was held at the Clarence Hall, where the young musicians impressed audiences with their skill and dedication. Founded just over a year ago with 17 pianists, the orchestra has since expanded to include both a Senior and Junior group, now numbering over 40 musicians, with a growing waiting list of eager participants.
Based in Gilwern, the orchestra meets weekly and has invested in new technical equipment and keyboards to support its growing numbers, ensuring top-quality performances.
Looking ahead to 2025, the group is accepting new members in January and forming a second group, Piano Orchestra 2. Anyone interested in joining or supporting their fundraising efforts can find more information on their Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095074869132.